HPE Visual Remote Guidance (VRG) is a secure, enterprise-ready collaboration solution that can boost productivity, increase efficiency, and decrease costs for your organization by using live visually-guided interactive sessions with extended teams. VRG enables phones, tablets, and hands-free wearable devices to connect via 3/4G or WI-FI, to the enterprise.

Focused on support field services, VRG quickly connects a remote mobile workforce with subject matter experts to receive in-the-moment guidance, while also allowing interaction with vendors, partners, and other resources.

In a few seconds, remote users can:

  • Activate visual guidance sessions through mobile apps or simple voice commands to wearable devices
  • Live-share complete images, video, audio, and data with extended teams and record the sessions
  • Collaborate with experts for faster identification and better resolution of complex technical issues

As a result, VRG increases uptime and reduces overall cost, with fewer calls, shorter repair time, decreased travel requirements, and fewer parts sent onsite. This innovative, market-leading solution is offered in either cloud (SaaS) or hybrid on-premises architectures.

What is HPE Visual Remote Guidance (VRG)?
Visual Remote Guidance
Visual Remote Guidance

VRG Supported Wearables

DigiLens (VRG DigiLens Voice Commands)
RealWear (VRG RealWear Voice Commands)

Visual Remote Guidance

Help & Support

Reference guides
Recorded Presentation (20'37")
Setting up your MyRoom Organization
(Step by step instructions to assist you in setting up a new organization to manage your VRG devices.)
Contact the service desk
(available round the clock 24x7)
HPE MyRoom Connection Strategy and Security whitepaper