Video features

You can use webcams in HPE MyRoom to make your meeting or event more personal and interactive. Everyone who joins a chat controls their own webcam. Participants in an event have only a speaker by default. They can be given access to the microphone and webcam tools through the  Configure room for participants option in the Tools to manage people and participants button Tools to manage people and participants. In an event, all webcams can be turned on and the screen will change to accommodate the number of videos to be displayed so the more webcams, the smaller each video will be. Video quality will be determined by the number of webcams running and the quality of connectivity for each person.


Turn on the webcam by clicking the icon in the top right corner.


Your video appears in the center stage area.

One video

As each person turns on their webcam, their video appears in the center stage area, by default, as in the example at right.

Second video

This is an example of four people all using their webcams, one using a second webcam as well for a total of five videos. When a person is speaking, a speaker icon appears in their picture.

Four Webcams



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